quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2021


Prehistory Computer
  • Computer Abacus - 5th Century BC  (século V a.C.)

  • Pascaline - 1642 (creator: Pascal)

  • Calculating Machine - 1672 (creator: Leibniz) 

  • Analytical Machine - 1835 (creator: Babbage)

First Generation of Computers: Vacuum Valve

  • Eniac (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) -1945 (creator: moore school team at the university of pensilvania)

  • IAS - 1952 (creator: Von Neumann)

  • UNIVAC 1 -1951 (creator: It was designed by John Eckert and John Mauchly's company, later Unisys)

  • UNIVAC 2 - late 50s

Second Generation of Computers: Transistors

Transistors were invented by three scientists at Bell Labs in 1947:
John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain e William Shockly

Third Generation of Computers: Integrated Circuits

  • In 1964 IBM launches a new product family, the System/360, which was incompatible with earlier versions (7000 series).
  • Nickname: Big Blue.

Fourth Generation of Computers: Microprocessor

1971: Intel releases the first chip containing all the components of a CPU, the 4004, beginning the microprocessor period.

Fifth Generation of Computers: Microprocessor

1987(atual) - Today's computers are 100 times smaller than those of the 1st 
Generation and a single chip today is far more powerful than the ENIAC.

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